Tuesday, February 26, 2013

WARNING!! Victim Harvester William M. Windsor and Lawless America -- Continue To Terrorize, Threaten, Berate, Harass and Stalk Victims

WARNING!! Victim Harvester William M. Windsor Lawless America -- Continues To Terrorize, Threaten, Berate, Harass and Stalk Victims


    Bill Windsor Lawless America


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

joeyisalittlekid: William M Windsor: An American Terrorist

In domestic law on February 21, 2013 at 2:11 am

This is the ‘go to blog’ for updates about the twisted psychopath Bill Windsor and his fake “Lawless America – con game”. Daily updates sometimes twice daily – open comments each post gathering in excess of over 200 un moderated comments. If you want to know — this is the place to go. http://joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com/2013/02/william-m-windsor-american-terrorist.html

Kudos to joeysalittlekid and many other blogs, video mixers and so much more. WE ARE the people and we invite free thinking. I am sure that some dictators could be good… but his Fuher Bill y Windsor is most definitely not good for anyone but him self.

This entry is just one of many – one that needs reposted and shared.

William M Windsor: An American Terrorist

So I have been doing some reading up.  First, on the latest over at Quatloos about Billy:


As you can see, these guys have been following him along with a hoard of other characters they all call a part of the Sovereign Citizen Movement.  This got me to really thinking back to when Windsor devoted an hour of filming to his buddy Carl Swensson of the Birther Movement.  Then I ran across this article:


Did you catch that?  He pulled this citizen grand jury on the very day, April 1st, that Billy has announced he will do his own version on.  Obviously Carl is advising him on this.  Windsor is trying to learn from the mistakes Carl did in limiting it to just the Birther movement.  The Why isn’t important, its the end result that matters.  This is why Windsor is allowing any and everything into his fake movie.  We can go from a guy who wants his cybersquatting rights, to mothers trying to get their kids back, to a guy trying to make his own currency and then to a slum lord trying to put up big billboards wherever he wants.  There is nothing that connects these people other than theyagree with Billy’s preamble that the court system is broken and needs to be fixed.  As long as you agree to that tenant, you are on his team.  Your particular issue matters not, just the end goal.

But lets get back to this Sovereign Citizen Movement that all these characters seem to fit under.  The FBI considers the SCM a domestic terrorist group and a growing threat to law enforcement. http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/law-enforcement-bulletin/september-2011/sovereign-citizens

"They could be dismissed as a nuisance, a loose network of individuals living in the United States who call themselves “sovereign citizens” and believe that federal, state, and localgovernments operate illegally. Some of their actions, although quirky, are not crimes. The offenses they do commit seem minor"

"However, a closer look at sovereign citizens’ more severe crimes, from financial scams to impersonating or threatening law enforcement officials, gives reason for concern."

And they conclude with this:

"Although the sovereign-citizen movement does not always rise to violence, its members’ illegal activities and past violent—including fatal—incidents against law enforcement make it a group that should be approached with knowledge and caution"

Lets look at what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about this movement and the similarities we can see in Billy:


"The key distinguishing characteristic of the sovereign citizen movement is its extreme anti-government ideology, couched in conspiratorial, pseudohistorical, pseudolegal and sometimes racist language. Many extremist movements in the 20th century have been anti-government in the sense that they opposed governmental policies, but few have been so purely anti-government that they challenged its very legitimacy"

This sounds like our guy doesn’t it?

"Members of the Posse Comitatus believed that the county was the true seat of government in the United States. They did not deny the legal existence of federal or state governments, but rather claimed that the county level was the "highest authority of government in our Republic as it is closest to the people." The basic Posse manual stated that there had been "subtle subversion" of the Constitution by various arms and levels of government, especially the judiciary."

Uh huh, this is why he wants people in all 3,300 counties across the nation to bring the charges at the county level.

Paper Terrorism

"Yet despite a pattern of violent activity, the preferred weapon of members of the sovereign citizen movement is what has come to be called "paper terrorism." Paper terrorism involves the use of fraudulent legal documents and filings, as well as the misuse of legitimate documents and filings, in order to intimidate, harass and coerce public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens"

There is our boy Billy to the T.  And don’t forget his illegal use of a 501c3 non-profit.

"One of the first tactics of the resurgent sovereign citizen movement was the formation of vigilante "common law courts." Members of these courts used them as a forum for grievances against the "de facto" government or for assistance in attempts to harass their enemies"

Yep, this is exactly where we are headed with this next phase in the Lawless Terrorist Network.

"The filing of frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens, on the other hand, has remained a favorite harassing strategy. These paper "attacks" intimidate their targets and have the beneficial side effect of clogging up a court system that sovereign citizens believe is illegitimate."

OMG, just stop it, this is way to accurate and telling.

So, as you can see, this is who Bill Windsor is, and this is also where we are headed.  When the lemmings file their made up charges against law enforcement officials, they will be engaging in domestic terrorism along with Bill.  And it needs to be overstated that everyone involved with Lawless America is connecting themselves with terrorist activities specificity delineated by the FBI.  Ignorance is no excuse.  You either wake up now, or finally figure it out when you are behind bars.  The Pied Piper is leading you down a patch of certain destruction.

Hop on over to joeyisalittlekid and read and leave a comment!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Monologues brings attention to domestic violence. Vagina Monologues


The movement known as V-Day began 14 years ago from the “outrageous idea that we could end violence against women.” This goal, as described above by V-Day pioneer Eve Ensler, has created a new culture celebrated at USC with the annual production of The Vagina Monologues.

According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, one in three women will face sexual or physical assault in her lifetime. For 2013, V-Day sought to emphasize that ending violence against women is a global battle with the theme One Billion Rising.

The Vagina Monologues provides an artistic medium to raise awareness about these issues of violence through camaraderie and comedy, by way of vaginas. V-Day aims to raise campus awareness within the student body concerning the problems faced by students with vaginas by engaging the campus in the show and reducing the stigma of discussion surround vaginas.

Samantha Brown, the current director of the production,  said she became involved because the organization has gotten smaller since people have graduated. She believes the show to be insightful and that everyone should see it. Since USC once hosted the author of The Vagina Monologues, the goal is to revitalize the organization to its greatest period of involvement seen in 2009.

Francesca Bessey, a sophomore majoring in narrative studies and international relations, said she was drawn to her involvement with V-Day and The Vagina Monologues in an effort to exemplify how diverse the student body is and to engage issues of gender, race and sexual violence which are underrepresented at USC.

The monologues, with names like “Hair” and “My Vagina Was My Village,” range in tone from comedic to heartfelt, emotions that will be communicated by the cast of 28 students. The female-identified cast was recruited and auditioned late last semester, with directors Alexis Agolsove and Katelyn Morse  matching them with particular monologues. The cast has been diligently rehearsing for the show at the Village Gate Theater.

Brown hopes that attendees will feel compelled to stand up this year and join One Billion Rising after seeing the show. The show looks not only to enlighten but also enliven in this way.

To contribute to the movement at large, V-Day at USC is supporting programs actively engaged in work against domestic violence. All of the proceeds from The Vagina Monologues will benefit V-Day USC’s nonprofit partner,A Window Between Worlds. This is a nonprofit that works to use art to combat domestic violence and facilitates the healing and empowerment of survivors through their creative expression projects.

The organization’s curriculum of renewing art has helped over 74,000 women and children since 1991. As a contribution to V-Day’s One Billion Rising effort, A Window Between Worlds developed its own project called “I Can We Can” where people create art on their palms expressing what they can do to fight, bring awareness to or overcome different forms of gender violence we encounter.

After creating their piece, people are invited to upload an image to the catalogue of images on A Window Between Worlds’ website, which functions as a compilation of action-worthy statements regarding the movement against domestic violence. People will be able to participate in this project both at The Vagina Monologues show and later in the semester on Trousdale Parkway.

Other productions of The Vagina Monologues and the movement at large have raised more than $90 million, benefited numerous community-based programs dedicated to anti-violence causes and helped to sustain shelters among other philanthropic efforts. The V-Day campaign has been acknowledged for its outstanding charitable work in publications including Worth’s 100 Best Charities and Marie Claire’s Top 10 Charities.

Despite its unique and slightly risque title, The Vagina Monologues is a production well worth seeing this Valentine’s Day weekend.