Wednesday, June 2, 2010

R.I.P Sherry Robinson. ♥ A Mother who finally won in Court – was Killed by the Father Of Her Child Two days Later

The Following is by her son Nickt Camui her funeral is today,I am asking all who see this and  read this to be with him on this very very painful day- the hardest thing about death- is for us whom remain –to live. And a MOTHER  wants only always for her children to live love and be happy. I know this from both ends. Hang in there Nickt- for your mom- hang in there baby!

R.I.P Sherry Robinson. <3!/group.php?gid=121000341272989&v=wall&story_fbid=122085964497760

I woke up to the sound of footsteps on the kitchen floor and the sound of clashing cutlery, thinking that it was just my mom and that she was just getting a spoon for her coffee, I didn't think too much of the cutlery, but the steps were definately from someone wearing shoes, which triggered me. Being alert in bed, I just listened, and then suddenly I heard my mom scream, I don't recall exactly what she said.

At that point, I jumped out of my bed and ran to my mother's room, and in a flash of second stood at her door to see the situation, my moms ex-boyfriend, and my little brothers father was leering over her on her bed, my mom curled up and what seemed to be clutching her chest. I then ran to the side of the bed and pushed him off her, and into the window. (When I returned to the home after it had been cleaned up and stuff, I found that I had actually shattered half the entire window, so I hope it hurt.)

When he was pushed back, I noticed the knife, afraid, I decided to get out of there, I grabbed my mom and told her to run, pulling her off the bed when I began to run, I grabbed the phone and then went outside, she kept pushing me so that I was in front of her. We were outside, and I thought we were going to be okay, I looked behind me when I first stepped out and she was behind me, but when I looked behind me the second time, she had fallen to the ground.
Afraid and unable to think straight, I just began dialing the number for the police as the man, Bradley Irvin Carolus, followed us outside, unsure of what to do, I just ran a little up the road because I was scared. I then listened to him for about 10 minutes yell things to my mom, and yelling at me.

I also heard what I assumed to be him kicking my mom and hitting her. She had screamed when I began calling the police, screaming for someone to help, no one came outside, I didn't hear her after that...

When the police arrived, Brad was just standing there, they approached and asked him who he was, when he said his name, they approached to cuff him, cause I had told them on the phone I knew who it was. With flashlights they spotted my mom, and when they did, they slammed him to the ground and one officer got on his back, I then began walking away to a light post, to try and stop shaking and find the moon. I couldn't see it, so I began walking back.
When I got back they put the flash lights on me and asked who I was, I said my name and that I was the one who made the call, they asked if I was related and I told them that it was my mother. One officer then pulled me aside and said I didn't want to go over and see it, he sat me down, and at that point I noticed I had blood on my feet and on my hand.
Later when I was giving a statement I also found out that I had a bloodied hand print on the back of my shirt...(read less)

WordPress Tags: Sherry,Robinson,Mother,Court,Father,Child,Later,Nickt,Camui,funeral,death,children,ends,Hang,footsteps,cutlery,steps,room,door,situation,chest,Afraid,Bradley,Irvin,Carolus,road,Brad,officer,lights,statement,shirt,feet,didn

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