Thursday, August 19, 2010

They were NOT fighting for gender neutrality and joint custody...Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony

"We do not propose to petition the legislature to make our husbands just, generous, and courteous, to seat every man at the head of a cradle, and to clothe every woman in male attire... "We are assembled to protest against a form of government existing without the consent of the governed to declare our right to be free as man is free, to be represented in the government which we are taxed to support, to have such disgraceful laws as give man the power to chastise and imprison his wife, to take the wages which she earns, the property which she inherits, and, in case of separation, the children of her love..." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Keynote Address Women's Rights Convention July 19, 1848

"Whatever the theories may be of woman's dependence on man, in the supreme moments of her life, he cannot bear her burdens. Alone she goes to the gates of death to give life to every man that is born into the world. "No one can share her fears, no one can mitigate her pangs, and if her sorrow is greater than she can bear, alone she passes beyond the gates into the vast unknown." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, The Solitude of Self, Congress 1892

"Cautious, careful people always casting about to preserve their reputation or social standards never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest are willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathies with despised ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences." -- Susan B. Anthony, In Decisions First,

women lost the right to vote.

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